Crystal Sugar Pineapple
Project 8699 Category: 2. Community Groups and Special Populations
Project Title: The Cultural Diversity Makes Taiwan’s Culture Thrive
URL of your Project Web Site: https://s1090256.wixsite.com/my-site/services-3
URL of your Project Bibliography Page: https://s1090256.wixsite.com/my-site/about-4
URL of School Web Site (optional): https://www.cljhs.tyc.edu.tw/
Date Project was Finished: (MM/DD/YY format): 02/27/23
Name of School or Educational Institution: Chungli Junior High School
Name of District: Pingzhen Dist.
City: Taoyuan
State or Province: N/A - Does Not Apply
Country: Taiwan
Names of the teachers and/or classes that participated: Li, Yai-chi
How many students worked on this project? 5
Ages of students who worked on this project: 13-15
Project Contact Email: tc51306@cljhs.tyc.edu.tw
Years Your School or Organization has Participated in International Schools CyberFair. Example: 2008, 2010, 2011 : 2021,2022